Monday, September 17, 2007

Hard To Believe

Dave & I recently discussed just how different our lives are now that we're parents. Here are a few of the little things that we've laughed about:

* When Noah was 4 weeks old, we noticed he was getting really fussy & having digestive issues. This is often due to babies' inability to handle certain foods, so I've willingly laid off of chocolate, caffeine, milk, most dairy products, and tomatoes. Those things used to comprise most of my diet!

* While feeding Noah, there have been several times when he would pee or poop out of his diaper & get it all over us. Instead of rushing to the sink to soak us both with water (my old standard), I've chosen to just sit in it so he could finish a good feeding. Crazy!

* You would not believe the song & dance routines we will come up with to get Noah to stop fussing -- or better yet, to smile!

* While in college, several of my friends noted that I was an absolute bear if I got less than 7 good hours of sleep. Now, I'm shocked & all sorts of excited if I get that many - and it only comes in 2 hour increments!

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