Monday, September 10, 2007

The Big Day

Little Man Jones wasn't quite ready to enter the world on his own, so we had to push him a little bit...

Dave & I made our way to St. Luke's downtown on Thursday, July 26 at 7:00 a.m. It felt a bit odd walking into the hospital, not rushed and knowing that I would leave without a belly and with a baby! By 8:00 a.m., I was changed and ready to go, and Dr. Maybach arrived to break my water (that was crazy, feeling like I was peeing everywhere!) and turn on the pitocin. We weren't sure how quickly things would get moving, so when Maryann (the best L/D nurse ever) checked me at 9:00 and I had only progressed from 3 to 4 cm, I figured it was going to take forever...
And boy, was I wrong! By the time my parents and sister Heather arrived, the contractions were really going. And by 10:15 or so, they were so rapid and intense that I declared I was done and was going home (and I even tried to get out of the bed at that point). Maryann tipped me off that it might be a great time for an epidural (thank God for her!) and by 10:45, relief was mine. She checked me after the epidural, and I was already at 9.5 cm! We rested a bit, turned on my Enya cd, and I started pushing at about 11:15. Once I got the hang of it, he got moving and Mr. Noah David Jones entered the world at 12:08 p.m. He took his time at first, but once he made up his mind there was no stopping him!
The dr. discovered a bit of meconium when my water broke, so the NICU staff had to be on hand to make sure all was well when he was born. And it was - he was a healthy 7 lb., 12 oz. boy at 20 inches long!

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