Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Finally...We're Registered!

Wahooooo - we finished our baby registry! Though this isn't a big deal to most folks, it's a huge accomplishment for us. Dave and I aren't the world's greatest shoppers (okay, we'll be honest: the idea of required shopping usually sends at least one of us to whining). So imagine our faces the first time we entered Babies R Us...we were overwhelmed. Neither of us is too familiar with baby-stuff yet, so we both donned the deer-in-headlights look minutes after stepping into the store. We knew there would be quite a bit to choose from, but there are like 72 different kinds of bottles there!

So soon-to-be-Auntie Heather Redman came to visit this last weekend and rescued us. She helped me organize my list of must-haves and wants, and we set out on Saturday to get it done. We had lots of fun! Heather and Dave were hilarious in Target, racing around scanning cute little wall hangings and outfits. And Dave and I had a great time in Babies R Us learning about the Baby Bjorn - those things are amazing! He's currently looking for a backpack with a similar support system. :-)

So, we're registered! Here are the links to our registries:


Babies R Us


Carrie Hutchings said...

Hey Emily,
Both the links (the one for Target and the one for Babies R Us) go to your Target Registry. Just thought I would let you know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Em & Dave! We're so excited for you guys, and i have thoroughly enjoyed your blog thus far. :) much love to you... jen (kurtz. And Geoff, too.)

Unknown said...

i'm so sorry i never got back to you on this but i looked at both your registries and you guys have registered for really great stuff. the only thing i didn't see that i found indispensable is the kiddopodamus swaddle me swaddler which i know babies r us carries. some babies like to be swaddled and some don't but hannah did and she slept 5/6 hours straight as soon as we brought her home if she was swaddled. i had to wake her up to feed her:) and it's great you registered for both places because now you're on both their mailing lists for baby coupons and they have really good coupons:) love, mb
oh, and the bjorn really is great:)