Monday, April 16, 2007

Down She Goes!

Also on Thursday... I passed out at work!

No kidding - I returned from my dr. visit and went straight into a meeting, and started feeling funny around 1:00 or so. I figured that I probably needed a bit of water or food, so I stood up to try to rush to my office and ended up fainting and running into the door. I woke up a few moments later just outside of my Executive Director's office (I was in his office for the meeting). I think I almost gave poor Tom heart failure!

But don't worry: my nurse says it's common with some pregnancies, and I'll just need to make sure I stay properly hydrated and fed. That was the first time I've ever fainted, so I'll be extra careful so I don't have to relive the experience. Though I definitely was the talk of the office - and now every time I'm in a meeting everyone makes sure I'm not going to fall out of my chair! Yikes!

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