Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Cake

I posted a recap of Noah's 2nd birthday long ago, but I promised myself I would eventually include a special section dedicated to the cake. And to the INSANE amount of hours I labored on that thing.

(Probably to remind myself to BUY one next year.)

I forget how many hours I spent on it - but it took up a large portion of 2 days. Why? I'm an amateur, an overachiever & a perfectionist. Yikes.

My plan: stacked double-layered 12" and 8" rounds, with raspberry filling & Thomas decor. (Easy, right!?) We (meaning my Mom & I - she's only in 2 of the pictures, but there would have been NO cake without her) baked twice the amount normally planned due to measuring issues (mine). We had to piece part of a layer back together because I got a bit zealous with the fishing line (don't ask). But all in all, it turned out perfectly - even better than I'd hoped.

And given my mother-of-a-toddler-short-term memory, you'll likely find me next year, planning another ginormous project. At least I enjoyed myself (most of the time)!

Thanks for all of your help, Mom. It was fun!

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