Thursday, September 11, 2008


And so we remember...

Every year on this day, I spend time reading stories. Stories of close calls, of loved ones lost, of the shock that resonated around our world. I don't want to forget.

But I also want to start focusing on the rebuilding, on my response.

I found this in a comment from the Ask Moxie blog. It's from Mariane Pearl (wife of Daniel Pearl): "about hope and the necessity of proving to our kids that their world is full of hope. We can't just say it, she said, because they know when we're lying. We have to prove it, by creating it ourselves. In whatever way we can, big or small, anywhere. Mariane Pearl said this not in forgiveness, but in anger - she isn't about playing nice, she's about beating terrorism where it lives... and hope is the one thing no terrorist truly has, so filling the world with hope is her truest revenge, as well."

Honestly, I don't think much about 9/11 anymore. But today, I'm trying to work this all through in my head - how to live in hope, how to honor the lives lost, how to teach Noah about that day. What does all of this mean for me, for us?

How, then, shall we live?

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