While on a walk the other day, Dave & I shared the things we love about Noah & the little man he has become this year. Here are excerpts:
Noah is
inquisitive. He is super curious about everything - about why it is & how it works. He always turns new toys & objects over to inspect them & figure them out.
learns quickly - show him something once or twice & he's got it down. (This is particularly unfortunate if you don't want him to know how you open the door or take off the cap to your water bottle!) He seems to have the mind of an engineer.
Noah is
busy! He has two speeds: fast-forward & asleep. He crawls like lightning & rushes from one thing to the next - he's got too much to do to slow down. He goes, and goes, and goes!
This kid is
fearless! (Which scares his mom to pieces!) Noah would crawl right off the edge of the bed, or the stairs, if we let him. He is adventurous & isn't plagued by anxiety or caution. He's a free spirit!
Noah is
friendly. He gives smiles freely & loves to interact with others. (On a flight to Chicago at 5 months old, he tried to make eye contact with everyone!) And he is good natured, even when he's teething & not feeling too well.
Though he hasn't ever been particularly cuddly, he has started to be more
lovey - he give us little hugs & puts his head on us for brief moments before dashing off. I'll take it!
And thinking ahead to the next year, we wish/pray for him to be
a comfort to people (Noah means "refuge" or "rest"). I hope he will have a
gentle spirit like Dave, & the ability to understand & encourage others. I pray that he'll be the
kind one on the playground - the child that seeks to include those that get left out. And goodness, we wish him
safety & maybe at least an ounce of caution!
Happy First Year, Noah David Jones. We love you!