Saturday, January 30, 2010

O Christmas Tree

On Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to take another stab at cutting a tree from the forest.

(Don't even ask about the last time, when Noah was 5 mos. old & we went to the Boise Nat'l Forest. We didn't even make it home with a tree, but we sure were glad to make it home. At all.)

We went with my folks, sister, brother-in-law & niece. All went smoothly until the road iced over & we had to turn around. Then Noah melted down because he felt left behind by the group & was overheating quickly (yeah, so maybe he didn't need 4 layers on a sunny day). Dave & I subsequently melted down (and swore, and yelled at each other. And maybe swore again. Yikes!) Lucy ran happily into the middle of the road.

It wasn't our finest hour, but it was worth it. We emerged with a happier boy (full of red licorice) & a beautiful tree (that is still standing, in all its grandeur, in our living room). Here's to another trip next year!

Playing happily, thanks to Daddy, YaYa, cousin Emmie & Lucy

A fine group with fine trees!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so refreshing to hear about other couples who swear at each other! We miss you guys... :) Also, there is no indication of swearing in any of your pictures.