Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bye-bye, Paci?

Tonight (actually tonight, in real time), we put Noah to bed for the very first time without a paci.

As in first time since coming home from the hospital, 895 days ago. That's a lot of history to break willy nilly, but it just seemed like a good time (especially since he's been night waking lately and seems to be teething again). Okay, so it's maybe not the best timing. But he kind of seemed ready-er, so we went for it.

So far so good...

I was almost afraid to even mention it for fear of jinxing him (yes, I'm superstitious - but not any worse than those poor goat-cursed Cubs). So if you're reading this, send our little man your thoughts/prayers/good mojo!


Amy said...

Wow...I hope the rest of the night went well. I am actually going to do the same thing TONIGHT. I just won't offer it and we'll see how it goes. Miss N was a Christmas Angel who slept 8-9 hours a night during most of the holidays (first time ever!) but is back to constant night-waking.

Carrie Hutchings said...

We just took Eva's bink's away during nap time and bed time too. The first day was easy compared to the last few days. She wasn't sleeping well even before we took the binks away. I don't know what happened, she's usually such a good sleeper. Anyway, good luck. Hopefully we'll have 2 binky free and good sleepers in no time.

Carrie Hutchings said...

I hope you guys are having more luck with "Operation No Binky" than we are. Ugh.