Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh Happy Day

No question about it: Noah was VERY excited about the outcome of Election Day! He loves Obama. Loves him, loves him, LOVES him. Turn on the TV, and if Obama is talking, he races into the room, starts clapping, and usually ends up hugging the screen.

We didn't prompt this - it actually started during his speech the night of the Democratic National Convention, when Noah went bonkers. And the other day, when Santa Claus came on the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, even he didn't get as good of a response from Noah. I think it's hilarious!

So I've tried to think of clever or insightful ways to comment on the historic day that was November 4, but I've run out of ideas and energy (and time!) So instead, I'll just leave you with the text of an amazing email that a good friend of mine sent me that day:

What a wonderful day in the neighborhood. Your generation has succeeded in bringing the dreams of many disenfranchised Americans to reality. You should be very proud - your children and grandchildren (and their many friends) will never see limitation. No limits - what a wonderful day - enjoy.

(Thanks, M.)


Anonymous said...

Yes yes YES! RC told your hubs, but we were there the night of the election. What an amazing time in our lives. I am SO glad that Noah has a mutual love for one great CHICAGOAN! :)

-jess (aka Auntie J)

rc said...

Jessica was telling me about this entry on the train tonight and I was very amused to hear about Noah getting so excited, clapping and hugging the tv. That's awesome. What a kid.