Friday, August 29, 2008

The Cake!

Forgive me, but I have to brag: I did this all by myself!
Though I've long known that I wanted to do something special for Noah's 1st birthday cake, I didn't know how to pull it off (I've never done anything like this before). And presto! In comes amazing Lisa, Noah's babysitter (& the woman who used to babysit me & my sisters!) She actually owns her own business, making cakes & decorations for weddings.

So one night she blessed me with 3 hours of 'cake making school' in her kitchen, and this was the finished product. It was so much fun to do, but man is this hard work! I thought my hand would fall off by the time I finished the basketball.

And if you're wondering, the colors aren't red & blue - that's crimson & blue (I won't push a team allegiance on Noah once he can decide for himself, but until then, he's a Kansas fan!)

Noah wasn't sure what to do with his cake at first - he patted it, then wanted me to feed it to him, then poked at it with the fork. But once we got him started & introduced the ice cream, he loved it! So much so that we had to eventually plop him in the kiddie pool. Marley loved being the clean-up crew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh do I love this face! Wait a cool kiddo. There's nothing like diving into a cake with no shirt on. I have this photo series hanging on my cubicle wall and I get comments from everyone that stops and looks. Hug this 1 year-old-boy for me.