Friday, July 31, 2009

It Goes By So Fast...

He's already two. And there's so much we love about him...

Noah is playful. He loves to be tickled (he lies on the floor saying "teek" until you show up, or just tries to do it himself!) and he giggles often. His "grinnies" are the best: part nose scrunch, part smile!

He is all boy: he loves his trucks, tractors & Thomas and absolutely adores his Daddy.

Noah is social. When at the zoo, he is far more interested in watching other kids than viewing animals. And the whole point of visiting the grocery store isn't to get food; it's too make new friends.

This kid is systematic about everything. When encountering something new, he takes his time to figure it out - but once he feels good about it, he's all in.

Noah is particular! He wants things a certain way & will let you know about it when they're not. (When he's ready to nap, you can't do anything to stop him. He lines up his trucks & likes things to be clean & orderly. And he can't stand to have sticky hands, just like his Daddy when he was little!)

He is very independent. He goes forever playing on his own & always wants to walk by himself. (But he's more than willing to cuddle when there's suspense in a movie - like when Sir Handel the train gets stuck under an avalanche!)

Noah loves books. He sits & reads on his own almost every day & he gives us directions to the library if we're anywhere close. He also loves music - he'll sing & dance, swaying back & forth...

We love watching him run - he is FAST! Our friends call him "Zoom." He is always on the go, and we are always running to catch up.

We adore so much about him: his toddler belly, his ghetto booty, his sweet little voice & indecipherable chatter...and how every day he becomes a more complex, more amazing little man.

Happy Second Birthday, Noah David!


Every Day Blessings said...

Enjoy each moment, it goes by way too fast.Happy Birtday Noah!

Nicole said...

oh he is too cute em! sounds a lot like sulli. sulli hates to have dirty hands and he is way more interested in the other kids at the zoo than the animals (still at age 4!). so fun to see you at the criterium! hope to see more of you. we would love to have you over if you want to make the trek to star! take care.

Unknown said...

what fun to read!